Purrfect Pet Sitting is about to celebrate it’s 15th year of business. When I first started this business I was a sole proprietor, doing everything myself. I never imagined that fifteen years later that 1) I’d still be doing this and 2) I’d have an incredible team of employees!
Dog Parks Around Albany, NY
Does your dog have a lot of energy and you don’t have a big yard to let them out to burn it off? Or maybe they just like the company of other dogs? Well, we’ve compiled a list of the dog parks within the Capital District.
Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Jobs Available In The Capital District
Pet sitting can be an awesome job! Read all about it here. In my most recent quest for finding employees I noticed something. Not only was Purrfect Pet Sitting looking for employees but so are several other services throughout the Capital District.
How I Got Our Kitten To Stop Peeing Around The House
If you’re new to this blog this is Bob. You can read all about how Bob came into our life here. Bob was about six months old when, on the day I was scheduled to take him to the vet for his appointment to be neutered, I discovered that he had been peeing all over our house and […]
Low Cost Pet Vaccination Clinic At Tractor Supply March 22, 2015
Tractor Supply in Schodack is having another low cost pet vaccine clinic on March 22, 2015 from 9:30 – 11:00 am.
What If You Need Same Day Pet Sitting Services?
Most of our clients book very far in advance as they schedule their pet sitting services when they schedule their vacations however what would happen if you had an emergency? Would your pet sitter be available on a moment’s notice? You know, when life happens and you get an emergency phone call?
How Does Your Pet Sitter Handle Daylight Savings Time?
Being professional pet sitters means that we tend to notice things that your average ‘free’ help may not. What happens to our visits when we switch the clocks for daylight savings time? I bet it’s something you’ve never even thought of, have you?
Will You Meet The Person Doing The Pet Sitting Visits?
One question that I’m asked consistently is whether the client will be able to meet the person who will be performing the pet sitting (or dog walking) visits.
Pet Sitter Foils Party!
I can’t tell you how many times over the years we’ve encountered the young adult children of our pet sitting clients attempting to “pull one over” while mom and dad are away. They think that because mom and dad are away they can get away with anything; including having a party.
What Happens If Your Pet Sitter Has An Emergency?
“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds” The above is creed of the United States Postal Service but it may as well be for pet sitters and dog walkers as well. We have a job to do and no matter what […]