As a rule, I almost never ask people to donate money. I’m making an exception, with good reason. Since last year I have been buying non-GMO fed meat from Nathan and Eliza Winters of Hill Hollow Farm in Petersburgh, NY. Just last week I wrote a blog post to sing their praises to all of you. […]
Pet Sitting And Celiac Disease
Since May is Celiac Awareness Month I’d like to talk to you about pet sitting and Celiac Disease. Those aren’t two things you’d expect to hear in the same sentence, are they? For those of you who are not familiar with Celiac Disease let me explain. Celiac disease is a digestive disease which damages the […]
Pet Sitter Product Review: Contech Scarecrow Motion Activated Sprinkler
I have free ranging chickens. They are very beneficial in keeping the tick population under control and therefore I do not want to confine them to a fenced in area. The problem I’m having is chickens like to dust bathe. Mulched flower beds are prime dust bathing spots and my chickens have been digging massive […]
Why Your Pet Sitter Wants You To Call When You Return Home From Vacation
Whenever we sign up a new client we explain that we send a confirmation before they leave (read our post on Why We Send Confirmations). We also explain that when they get back from their vacation we would like them to call and leave a message that they’ve returned home.
How Long Should It Take For The Pet Sitter To Return Your Call?
I’m sure I’m not the only person who gets extremely frustrated when I leave a message for a service professional and don’t get a return call. It amazes me at how many plumbers, electricians, contractors, etc. just don’t return phone calls. I always wonder if they are so incredibly wealthy that they can just afford […]
Why Your Pet Sitter Should Be Insured And Bonded
You’ve heard so many times when looking for a pet sitter to make sure they are insured and bonded. What exactly does that mean to you? Why not just have the neighborhood kid come and save some money? Well, for one if a pet sitter is bonded and insured it means they are running a […]
Pet Sitter Product Review: Grizzly Salmon Oil (Omega 3 Fatty Acids)
For those of you following along you probably remember reading the post about Bob And The Case Of The Mysterious Balding Ears. His ear problems had me stumped. A friend of mine who is a Vet Tech suggested I try giving him some Fatty Acids. She said she had seen many pets coming in with […]
Purrfect Pet Sitting Interviews: Teri Rudolph; The Dog Trainer
Teri Rudolph is a certified professional dog trainer from Watervliet, NY. She is a graduate of Animal Behavior College and she provides many dog training services. She was kind enough to agree to a five question interview!
Does Your Pet Sitter Charge Extra To Administer Medications?
When I first started this business I charged different rates based on the number of pets that were in the household. That was until people started hiding pets claiming they didn’t need any attention; they’d be fine. Um, no. They won’t. (Yes, this DID happen). So, I changed the pricing schedule and we now charge by time regardless […]
5 Ways To NOT Get A Job With Purrfect Pet Sitting
Finding good employees is a challenge for any business. How many times have you heard someone say “it’s so hard to find good help”? Pet Sitting is no exception, but I think it’s even more challenging to find pet sitting help. Why? Well, the hours for one. Pet sitters start as early as 6am and […]